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Welcome to Birmingham Chapter 4

Announcements from Chapter

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Announcements from Department

2024 New Department Officers
​A new statewide slate of officers has been elected by members of DAV (Disabled
American Veterans) Department of ND at their annual convention in Minot.
The new DAV Department of ND commander is Douglas Benjamin of Minot, who
replaces Immediate Past Commander Eldred Knutson of Valley City. Other newly elected
department officers are:
LaMar Kruckenberg, Bismarck, Chapter 3, senior vice commander
Matthew Herrud, Fargo, Chapter 1, 1st junior vice commander
Thomas Ryan, Williston, Chapter 9, 2nd junior vice commander
Frank Senn, Minot, Chapter 4, 3rd junior vice commander
​Rod Olin, Jamestown, Chapter 31, department judge advocate
Cory Haugen, Jamestown, Chapter 31, department chaplain
Commander Benjamin, a member of DAV Chapter 4 in Minot, has been a member of
the DAV since 2017. He is a disabled Army veteran of the Vietnam War. He and his
spouse, Kathleen, have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. He is a retired truck driver from AH
Newman of Clifford, ND after 20 years.

Our Events​

Start Time
End Time
All Day Event
Recurring Event
3/17/2025 12:00 AM3/17/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
3/20/2025 12:00 AM3/20/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
3/20/2025 12:00 AM3/20/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
3/29/2025 12:00 AM3/29/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
4/1/2025 12:00 AM4/1/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
4/7/2025 12:00 AM4/7/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
4/13/2025 12:00 AM4/13/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
4/15/2025 12:00 AM4/15/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
4/22/2025 12:00 AM4/22/2025 11:59 PMYes
Recurring Event
4/25/2025 12:00 AM4/25/2025 11:59 PMYes
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​​Contact Us​

Mailing Address:
PO Box 915
Bismarck ND 58502-0915

Phone: (701) 222-6698

Meetings Are Held on:
1st Thursday of the month
Time: 19:00:00

Meeting Location:
4023 State St
Bismarck ND 58503

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