​​​DAV Auxiliary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Contact Us​​

Mailing Address:
3311 Callaway Dr
Claremore OK 74019-4800

Phone: (214) 493-2204

Meetings Are Held on:
3rd Monday of the month
Time: 19:00:00

Meeting Location:
1717 W Dupont St
Claremore OK 74017-5018

View Map

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Officer Listing​
Rogers County #44
Phone: (214) 493-2204
Millie Moseley
Sharon Allen
Barbara D Day
Senior Vice Commander
Rilda I. Howse
First Junior Vice Commander
Debi Smart
Benefits Protection Team Leader
Membership Chairman
Debbie McGuire
Officer Authorized to Receive Mail
Sharon Allen
